Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Healthy diet spoils taste for cigarettes!

As we know, smoking is the bad habit that can destroy our lung and it is the main cause of lung cancer. I have read an article in Reader's Digest (October 2007, page 64) which stated that the US researchers has suggested that taking milk, water, fruit and vegetables may help us to quit smoking, while as drinking coffee, alcohol and eating meat may enchanced us the taste of cigarettes.
I have an uncle , who is actually a chain-smoker, can finish a packet of cigarettes in one day. At the same time, he is addicted to coffee. This proved that coffee enhanced the taste of cigarettes. So, try taking less coffee, alcohol and meat to reduce the percentage of becoming a smoker. I enjoyed reading this article because it provides me new information and at the same time, it reminds me not to take too much coffee as it may enchanced me the taste of cigarettes.

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