Monday, September 1, 2008

Leeching therapy

There is an interesting article in MYC! News malaysian college magazine about the leeching therapy. (September 2008, page 10). Leeches is now used for beauty treatment in Austria. Leeches are trained to be used in plastic and re constructive surgery. Enzyme that are released from them when they bite us will make us bleed quite a lot and this helps in detoxifying our blood. Thus, leeching therapy can be said to be a part of cleansing treatment. Leeches not only improve our blood circulation but also help in getting rid of poisons in blood, overcoming migraine, make us more alert after the removal of toxic blood.

How does the leeching therapy go on? First we need to shave as leeches will not bite on the skin surface which is not smooth. Then, the person who do the therapy will need to immersed herself in the turpentine before she fed to leeches. Normally, the leeches beauty treatment will take 20 minutes to 2 hours. I enjoyed reading this article because it is quite interesting. If there is a kind of beauty treatment like this in Malaysia, I might go and try it.

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